We, like many churches, worry about our numbers on Wednesday nights. Especially at dinner, when many of our parishioners are busy with work, school, sports, and other activities. We tend to view our activities, particularly waning ones, through a harsh lens. “Does this have purpose? Is this a ministry or mission of the church?” I am here to give an emphatic “yes!” and give you three reasons why.
A time just love each other doesn’t have to include formal Bible study. If we are told to love one another - and we are throughout scripture, quite a bit - doesn’t it make sense to have a program that is just for that purpose? Simply a time to love each other? Spiritual formation is more than sitting in a classroom poring over scripture and engaging in theological discourse. Spiritual formation is a time to learn and walk out our faith. What better way to do that than through a time specifically for encouragement and love?
We have an opportunity to reach people for the glory of God through a meal. A simple invitation to the neighbors, to those visiting the church for the first time, even to the local soup kitchen can bring people into the church for a chance at connecting with people of faith and compassion.
People are hungry. Both literally and figuratively. We need food for our bodies and for our souls. It only makes sense for the church to provide opportunity for nourishment.